
Friday, May 16, 2014

Britney Spears Horoscope

       It would be quite an understatement to say that Britney Spears has turned heads. This vivacious pop queen rose to the top at a young age. She has stimulated all sorts of controversy, including some initial criticism in which her clothes, dance, and the songs she sang were deemed simply too sexy for her young age. By and large, however, she has won over the public with fans from both sexes and ranging from the very young to the young at heart.
Some bio facts about Britney: She was born December 2, 1981 in Mahon, Mississippi. 

Some Astrological Notes about Britney:
If her birth time is to be believed, Britney has a charming Libra Ascendant with Mars in Virgo not far behind in the twelfth. Her Sun in Sagittarius conjuncts both Mercury and Uranus; her Moon is in Aquarius; and her Venus is in Capricorn, forming a square to both Saturn and Pluto and trining her 12th house Mars.

Britney, with her Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius, has a fiery personality; but her Aquarius Moon and Sun conjunct Uranus add a somewhat detached, progressive spin to her temperament. "Cheerfully stubborn" may best sum these elements up. Her outlook is positive and progressive, and she won't easily crumble under controversy, even with her charmer Libra Ascendant--in fact, if she turns people's heads, she may just do what she is doing with more zeal. And, the Libra Ascendant means that, for the most part, she will get away with it! People with Libra Ascendants generally come across in a sweet, likeable way. 

Britney has both a Sun sextile Moon and Venus trine Mars, allowing her to combine her own "masculine" and "feminine" needs naturally. Her actions and her emotions are in tune with each other. When others talk about problems with doing things that run counter to their own sense of security, Britney will be baffled. Doing what she feels, and deriving emotional satisfaction from her actions, simply comes naturally to her! 

Britney's Moon in Aquarius is in her 5th house, ruling her 10th house of career. The Moon forms an easy sextile to her Sun and a trine to her Saturn, giving her the staying power and discipline to persevere. The Moon is significator of her career and public reputation--in this case, it is found in the 5th house of entertainment and children, in Aquarius (which suggests an ability to relate to the masses perhaps better than she can in one-to-one relationships), and trining Saturn, the planet of discipline and hard work.

Britney's love life and attitude toward relationships is colored by her Venus in Capricorn in the 4th. A more traditional attitude to relationship and marriage than she may have in other departments of her life is indicated here. While her Venus makes an easy trine to her earthy Mars in Virgo (bestowing an earthy and natural sexuality), it also forms a square to both Pluto and Saturn. These squares suggest some disappointment in love, and that she will need to work at her relationships. Both intensity (Pluto) and the need for control (Saturn) may be some of the issues she will confront in herself, through her one-to-one relationships. 

Her 7th house of partnership has Aries on the cusp, and its ruler, Mars, trines Venus and squares Neptune. This suggests on one hand a natural, healthy exchange, especially on a physical level in her close partnerships; and on the other, a tendency to idealize her relationships and confuse her partner with ambivalent actions. 

All in all, Britney's chart shows a cheerful, vivacious, and forward-looking personality, bent on expressing herself in unique ways.

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