a Hindu woman of an orthodox family a second marriage was never
encouraged in earlier times. But in the changed times, we astrologers
advise the widowed women to marry when we find it suitable to advise
such women as they would heed to our advice.
This woman had got married
for the first time on 9 Dec.1986 in the mahadasha of Jupiter the
seventh lord and the antardasha of Mars. A happy married life followed till a disaster struck her when her husband developed jaundice which could not be cured and turned fatal for him.
The astrological reasons
for this disaster are clear. Saturn the eighth lord in his own house
with Jupiter the seventh lord aspected by Mars could cause a disaster
and in turn aspecting Mars showed the event clearly in this case.
Venus is debilitated and the seventh lord from Venus, Jupiter repeats the story of this tragic incident.
In the navamsha seventh
lord Moon with the eighth lord Sun and Saturn and with Venus in the
sixth house made the picture gloomier.
Examining her horoscope, I
advised her to have a second marriage which she agreed to, more so
because the man she was going to marry, a widower, had been asked by his
own daughter from his first wife to marry a second time.
Her second marriage took
place on 20 April 2003. Though there have been some controversies for
the house to be seen for the second marriage, we have found in our
replicable researches that the ninth house, the third one from the
seventh, gives us a valuable clue in this matter.
She was running the
mahadasha of Saturn and the antardasha of Rahu. Rahu in the third house
here is seventh from the ninth house. Saturn was in Vrisha in transit
when her second marriage was finalised. From here he was aspecting the
ninth house and Jupiter was in Karka aspecting the ninth lord Saturn in
the eighth house.
Thus the dasha and transits were favourable when she got married for the second time.
She is now happily settled with her four children, two from the first marriage and two from the second one.
Her written appreciation written sometime in May 2007
Dear Priyambadaji,
Kindly recall my meeting you in 2001. You had predicted that:
a)I would soon get a job and I did get one.
b)There was the possibility of a second marriage also. I got married and am happy with my children and second husband.
c)You had also said that I
would start earning with some machines. I have been using compters
efficiently and help my husband in his share market work constantly.
This is a great science you have learnt.
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