
Monday, May 26, 2014

Virgo Love Match Sign Compatibility

Virgo love matches tend to reflect what this sign needs in order to feel secure and confident. Learn more about how Virgos handle love and romance and what signs promise the most compatibility for this sign.

what Virgo like

Virgo likes things to be perfect and in true Virgo fashion, perfect reflects what this sign believes perfection to be. For the most part, Virgo does recognize that perfection is elusive, but still continues to search for it. This need to have things "perfect" permeates all areas of Virgo's life. From household concerns to career and romance, nothing is safe from Virgo's critical eye.

When it comes to romance, Virgo is a shy sign and often tries to hide this fact behind a very logical façade. In fact, strong emotions that seem to come out of nowhere strike Virgo as irrational and downright frightening. Through this lens, it's easy to see why some Virgo love matches fare better than others.

The Best match of Virgo

Some of the best Virgo love matches include the following pairings.

Virgo and Taurus           

Taurus is an excellent sign for Virgo to pair up with. Besides the obvious reason of the two sharing the same earth element, Taurus is stable enough to soothe Virgo's nervous streak and worrying tendencies. Virgo does not have to worry that Taurus is going to do something out of the blue like empty the bank account and run off to Las Vegas for a weekend of fun, and this is very comforting. Virgo likes things to proceed in a logical fashion by following the rules, step by step. Taurus doesn't have a problem with that.

Additionally, and perhaps more importantly to Virgo, Taurus takes this same approach to romance. The bull is willing to wait when it comes to matters of the heart until everything is just so.

Virgo and Cancer

Cancer is a water sign and tends to pair very well with Virgo, even though Cancers are quite emotional. The reason for this is that most Cancers are willing to listen to reason, particularly when the advice comes from a calm and gentle voice like Virgo.

Additionally, Cancers don't really mind Virgo's perfectionist streak since it can help these moon children feel more secure. From Virgo's perspective it feels nice to feel valued, particularly when it comes to all the small gestures the sixth sign makes in order to show love. Cancer not only recognizes these gestures, the crab genuinely appreciates and sees them as steps towards a greater romance.
Cancer men are particularly well suited for Virgo women. Once they're in love, Cancer men tend to stay in love. They're mushy, charming, and eager to please their partners. Virgo women are also pleasers in their relationships, so pairing up with Cancer men means these lovers will have an easy time with give and take. Virgo women are also very particular when it comes to choosing a significant other. This is like tonic to Cancer men's egos once they realize just how lucky they are to have been chosen.

Just as Cancer hides passion behind a shell, the Virgo lover keeps her heart well away from her sleeve. It may take some digging, but there is passion and intensity there.

Virgo and Scorpio

There's often plenty of attraction between Virgo and Scorpio, and that's mainly because Scorpio is fascinated by Virgo's calm and seemingly unflappable approach to love. Scorpio feels things very intensely and is shocked by Virgo's rational yet calculated view of romance.
It's Virgo's cool approach that drives Scorpio to want to ruffle Virgo's pristine feathers. For Scorpio, this is quite a conquest and eventual victory! Further, both Virgo and Scorpio are signs that value intelligence, and Scorpio loves the fact that Virgo picks up on the smallest of details that the eighth sign might have missed.

Both Virgo and Scorpio like to acquire resources. They share a love of beauty and place great importance on their home. Their living styles go well together, and their home is a place of order, comfort and beauty. Both members value community service and spending quality time with their families. They may belong to organizations separately or together, and they will deeply respect one another's contributions to society. They are more likely to socialize through service activities than through attending parties.

Virgos and Scorpios have similar parenting styles and usually work together to raise children with ease. Both have high expectations of their children and themselves. They are devoted to home and family, and they enjoy raising children.

The Scorpio's passionate and adventurous sexual nature can sometimes overwhelm the shy and practical Virgo. However, if she will drop her defenses a little and he's willing to slow down a bit, the end result will be amazing sexual encounters!

This couple will also spend entire nights in bed talking to one another about things that are important to them, be it each other, children or politics. Their love of communication and desire to understand one another can often keep them engaged until the sun comes up.

Virgos and Scorpios both love to be in control, and prefer to make everything "perfect." This can become a real problem when the couple cannot agree upon what perfection is. From time to time, it will be necessary to use their powers of effective communication and put love before all else in order to work things out .

Virgo and Capricorn

Similar to the Taurus/Virgo pairing, Capricorn and Virgo can also find quite a love match with one another. Capricorn gives the impression of being serious and hardworking, and those are traits that Virgo truly appreciates. Capricorn likes things to look good, and Virgo likes things to be good and look good, so this is often an ideal pairing.

Another factor that Virgo finds fascinating about Capricorn is the fact that Capricorn often takes the long term view when it comes to life, and this helps ease Virgo's fear that somehow plans will be disrupted. Virgo doesn't like surprises. These two signs often find that they have much in common on which they can build a long-term future.

Capricorn and Virgo's moons are located within a trine, and this, as well as their shared earth element, strengthens the relationship between the two. They are bound to see eye-to-eye more often than not, and they hold a natural admiration and respect for each other.

As lovers, Capricorn and Virgo find it easy to communicate their needs and their mutual trust makes this even easier to achieve. The only pitfall to avoid in this arena is a tendency for both of these very practical signs to forget to nurture their romance. Both need to make an effort to surprise each other once in a while. Virgo's idealistic and often naive nature will seldom be disappointed by stalwart Capricorn. It will be rare for either of these partners to stray into infidelity, and instead, they should enjoy a very full relationship that deepens as the years pass by.

The Virgo man loves to fill the role of provider, and the Capricorn woman is confident enough to let him enjoy that role while she quietly sees to his needs in her own way. This pairing often yields a true meeting of the minds, so the chances for compatibility are very high.

There's no guarantee that there will always be perfect harmony between them, but in a relationship filled with so much mutual respect and admiration, differences can be worked out quickly and very diplomatically. If only all relationships could be so compatible!

Other Virgo Sign Pairings

Of course Virgos can find compatible relationships with other signs, but there may be unique challenges with some pairings.

Opposites Attract: Virgo and Pisces

Pisces is Virgo's opposite sign. Like the proverbial moth to the flame, Virgo can't help but feel fascinated by the seemingly elusive fish. Pisces is everything that Virgo likes: The sign seems free, unconcerned and unburdened by the traditional rules of life. Virgo is irresistibly drawn to Pisces' humanitarian world view and easy, laid back style. Pisces is blown away by Virgo's ability to keep eight balls juggling in the air while simultaneously holding a food drive for the homeless.

However, it's not always easy when these two signs get together. Pisces and Virgo each have a lot to learn from the other and if they are willing to compromise, this can be an exciting and fulfilling relationship. If not, the separation might be a long and painful one.

Virgo and Gemini Relationships

The chance of compatibility for Gemini and Virgo is a bit of a gamble. These signs are very similar in some ways and very different in others.

Gemini and Virgo are both ruled by Mercury, so this planet's influence is filtered through each sign's personality. In Gemini, Mercury boosts the power to think logically. However, this tendency is mellowed by Gemini's easy-going nature. Mercury's influence on Virgo takes a slightly different turn. Ever the perfectionist, Virgo can be a bit critical under Mercury's rule. What this means for both signs in a relationship is that they may both come to the same logical conclusion about a given situation, but they will deal with that situation in very different ways. This can sometimes lead to discord.
There are some areas where Gemini and Virgo connect beautifully. Both signs have an appreciation for the arts and they enjoy mental stimulation. This could mean engaging in deep conversation or debate, as well as sharing a good book or listening to Mozart. As scattered as Gemini can sometimes appear to be, both signs love to keep a clean and orderly home. They also share a taste for the finer things in life, including stylish clothing and fine dining.

The main area where Gemini and Virgo will find conflict is in the way they handle things. Both signs are strong minded, and they are ready and willing to take control in any situation. This can lead to some head-butting. Their intellectual natures can also lead to periods of boredom, especially if Virgo proves to be the dominant partner and reigns in Gemini too much.

Money can become another bone of contention in this pairing. Virgos are very responsible with money, and the urge to save rather than splurge can occasionally cut into Gemini's pursuit of care-free fun. In the romance department, Virgo's libido is slightly less dynamic that that of Gemini, and this can lead to another mismatch of energies.

Virgo as a Lover

Virgo is an earth sign, but its quadruplicity is mutable. The stability of earth is therefore slightly shaken by this sign's ability to adapt and change when necessary. Mutable signs' predilection towards adapting makes them eager to learn and solution-oriented.

It is the quadruplicity aspect of Virgo that makes this earth sign a natural perfectionist and problem solver, and these fundamental character traits carry over into Virgo's intimate relationships. No, Virgo is not the best when it comes to emotional expression and great words of love. However, a Virgo's perfectionism will propel this sign to try to improve the relationship. Virgo's partner can expect that he or she will work diligently to correct whatever ails the relationship, not just out of love, but out of principle.

Virgos are typically great at remembering important dates and their partner's likes and dislikes. This sign will often manifest love through gift-giving and ceremonious expressions of affection.

The sexuality of a Virgo is easily misinterpreted within the frame of this sign's self-controlled nature. Self-control does not necessarily imply prudishness. However, a Virgo likes to know what he or she is doing and feeling. It can take considerably longer to seduce a Virgo than a fire sign and, moreover, a Virgo may plan seductions every bit as slowly. This sign doesn't like to be rushed. Instead, the Virgo likes to get things right. Whereas the Virgoan ability to express emotions is somewhat stifled, the sexuality of Virgos is governed by a perfectionism that serves to satisfy their partners whatever the cost. When it comes to sex, there is no reason to believe that Virgos are capable of anything less than their fellow zodiac signs.

Finding the Perfect Mate for a Virgo

Virgo can successfully pair with any number of astrological signs, but much depends upon the birth charts of both partners. However, based solely on the sun signs, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn are the best love matches for the sixth sign of the zodiac.

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1 comment :

  1. As per my name, i am a Virgo, but as per my birth date, i am a Scorpion.
    So i like to check my horoscope compatibility for both the zodiac signs :) Thanks for letting me know about the Best Compatibility Match for Virgo.
