
Monday, July 21, 2014

Sun in Pisces ( Ravi meena rashiye )

 Sun in Pisces
The symbol of Pisces is two fish bound together in the innermost depths of the sea. Pisces struggles with the false-self and the restrictions of its environment until the soul realizes its true self in the cosmic seas of pure Spirit, the great ocean of divine love and mercy.

Pisces, the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, is the dissolution and release of the passing cycle, purifying the essence from the waste in preparation for the birth of a new cycle. The end of winter is a time for peaceful quiet and acceptance of the universe.

As the mutable water sign, Pisces has changing and adaptable emotions. Flowing water takes the form of its situation. The dual nature expresses deep sympathy, kindness, and understanding, but due to open receptivity and sensitivity may be pulled into negative feelings of sorrow and melancholy when exposed to discord or emotional suffering.

The traditional rulership of Jupiter lifts the Pisces with the inner joy and enthusiasm that results from the faith and benevolence of this vibration. Neptune is significant for Pisces and represents spiritual love, refined feelings ofbeauty and harmony, imagination, the invisible, and the ego-less state.

The self-expression of Pisces is I BELIEVE, combining the religion and philosophy of Jupiter and the mysticism and fantasy of Neptune. Jesus the Christ and bringer of the Light and spiritual teachings of the Piscean Age showed the way of salvation through faith and the forgiveness of sins.

Forgiveness is a saving grace for Pisces the last sign, because this stage of purification and release of past actions can result in feelings of guilt which holds on to them. By forgiving others and yourself you release yourself from your own judgment, and you may be washed clean.
Pisceans have a fantastic imagination and are called dreamers. Their ability to pretend and make believe suits them well for drama and poetic expression and appreciation in art, music, or literature. They tend to dwell in illusions, and they may seek to escape from reality; but if they seek reality, then they are able to realize that everyone who dwells in the realms of the physical, emotional, and mental, dwells in illusions which will all pass away.

With this realization, Pisces, who love to expand their consciousness, begin to see not only universals like the Sagittarius, but the unity and wholeness of the all. The consciousness then has moved from the aspiration and leap of faith of Jupiter to the mystical oneness and spiritual love of Neptune.

From this rarefied atmosphere Pisceans may be inspired and devoted to the kingdom within. They are intuitive, drawing from the invisible, hidden and mysterious. They are often skilled in interpreting symbols.

Their sensitivity and introspection make them shy and retiring, and they will not usually put themselves forward unless asked to; but they will in situations that are peaceful or harmonious. They learn that a harsh environment and discord or violence can bring them emotional pain and suffering; but when they are in balance, they can bring emotional healing to others.

Their great desire is to help others which may result in sacrifices which may not even do much good. The Pisces must first learn to solve one's own problems, and allow others to solve theirs. The greatest help is to love and leave them free.

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