
Friday, August 8, 2014

Mars in Taurus ( Kuja wushaba rashiye )

"Slow and steady wins the race" could easily be a motto for Mars in Taurus. These goal-oriented people are not known for their speed, but their staying power is tremendous. 
Generally calm and easygoing people, Mars in Taurus natives can have powerful tempers when they're overly provoked. They generally don't fly off the handle as quickly as others, however (unless Aries is prominent in their chart). 

Mars in Taurus people value strength and stability. They are driven by security and an especial fondness for personal possessions. Most are not afraid to work for what they want, and there is an overall patience to this position of Mars. If it takes a few years to achieve their goals, so be it. 

People born under a Mars in Taurus are often rather sensual people. Some are slow to arousal, but theirs is an earthy and powerful sensuality.

Most have well-defined long-term goals and the determination to achieve them. They usually are not the type of people to take on too many projects at once. If they don't think they can do it, they won't! It is almost impossible to get these people moving once they've made up their minds on a matter. You want them to go shopping with you? Unfortunately for you, about half an hour back, they've kicked up their heels, changed into something comfortable, and they simply won't budge. Immovable is the only way to describe Mars in Taurus people who have made up their minds. Adaptability is not their strong point.
In a similar vein, attempting to rush Mars in Taurus people is a lesson in frustration. They won't alter their pace for most anything. 

If you can get past these "quirks", however, you'll find that Mars in Taurus natives are often quite reliable and strong personalities. It may just be worth the wait!

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