
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sun in Libra ( Ravi thula rashiye )

 sun in libra

The symbol of Libra is the Scales. As the first sign of autumn, the energy is active and initiating, and as an air sign Libra is mental in nature. Libra is the balance between the purification of the individual in Virgo and the regenerating energy in Scorpio. The autumnal equinox is the balancing point of the zodiac, and Libra as the seventh sign is the first of the objective signs and relates to the other self or the harmony between self and non-self.
Venus is the significant planet giving Libras beauty and a harmonious love nature with refined emotions. As an air sign the love vibration is intellectualized to a love of beauty in the arts, harmony in life, and equilibrium in the mind and the emotions.

The consciousness of Libra is I BALANCE. The mind is rational and tends to weigh both sides and, when detached and objective, is excellent at comparison. However, the emotions tend to subtly attract the mind to the side that feels right. Justice is a prime Libra quality particularly social justice. Like Mahatma Gandhi, they will negotiate and adjust their idealism to change unjust laws and bring greater social justice to oppressed people. They are continually compromising to find a balance within themselves and with others.

Because they weigh things so evenly, they often are indecisive and cannot make up their minds as to the conclusion. The Libra should realize that a new balance will be reached as they move into the action anyway. To sit and wait for more information while watching the scales tip back and forth is really procrastination. When walking a tightrope, you must keep moving. Remember: "I love; therefore I do." As you do, you will find balance andharmony as you go; and you will be happier, too. Libra is an active sign, and depression will only hit you when you are inactive, Put on some music and do something. The music will harmonize the emotions, and action will not leave the mind time to be down.

Libra is perhaps the most romantic sign, Libras will make an art of love, and they will seek understanding in the entire relationship. Libras usually do not feel whole unless in a love union with another person. Because of their loving, kind, and agreeable nature, they are usually quite successful in finding this balance. They make excellent partners in marriage or in business; but if the harmony is lost, they just might find it with someone else. Socially they are popular and are easily won over by approval, can be susceptible to flattery, and often enjoy flirting.

As children they are easily trained in manners and often become courteous and genteel. They dislike what is dirty and ugly, preferring surroundings which are harmonious and beautiful. The Libra's aesthetic awareness is refined, and they not only appreciate art, music, and literature, but often have a ready talent for them. Libra's quest for harmony and justice through loving action can be attained spiritually.

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