
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sun in Scorpio ( Ravi wushchika rashiye )

 sun in scorpio
Scorpio has been symbolized not only as the lowly scorpion, but also as the serpent of sexual energy, the eagle that soars to the heights of power, and the phoenix that consumes itself in flames resurrecting to immortal life. Mid-autumn is nature's cycle to die and regenerate itself as seen in the golden flame of falling leaves.

Scorpio is the fixed water sign, giving intense and powerful emotions. Mars energizes the emotions into passion and a driving force. Pluto, discovered in 1930, is also significant for Scorpio symbolizing death and renewal, psychic energy, and the kind of transformation that death brings.

The consciousness of Scorpio is I DESIRE. Motivation is the key to the Scorpio's driving energy. They usually know what they want and will work to get it. Their courage and boldness make them forceful and aggressive, but their shrewd and penetrating minds and intensely emotional natures move the battleground inward to feelings and desires.
While keeping the secret of their own desires, they observe and penetrate others to find out what they want. Then by subtly manipulating the emotional energies, they direct a situation to fulfill their desires. This gives Scorpio power, but the power is dependent upon the desires, on what they want.

Scorpio is the sex sign and relates to the generative organs of the body. Sex involves the possession of the partner, the union of two people physically, emotionally in love and passion.
The male and female scorpions often remain locked together for a night and a day when mating. As with some spiders, after fertilization the female destroys the male as if out of jealousy of a future rival. This lower expression of Scorpio can lead to possessiveness, jealousy, and deep emotional pain.

The positive serpent energy of sex gives humans a deeper union with the beloved. When the serpent energy was discovered in the garden, humans fell to what is called sin and death. Virgo and Scorpio which were originally one sign were separated by Libra the sign of marriage.
When a person uses the sexual energies to rise up from the earth to a creative and spiritual potential, one is like an eagle. Finally after continual death and rebirth the soul's full desire becomes the attainment of God in realization, and like the phoenix this totally consuming passion transmutes one into a resurrected and immortal form.

Scorpio may overcome death or be overcome by it.may be destructive, but cruel aggression and ruthless anger will self-destruct eventually. Scorpios usually learn, after painful experiences, to direct their energy in positive and constructive ways to achieve success and happiness.

Scorpios recuperate well and when positive are excellent physicians, expert at diagnosing what is wrong, and they can probe deeply with the dexterity of a surgeon to repair it. They research and investigate thoroughly in any field and are good detectives. their wit is biting and sometimes stings.
Scorpios must use their energy, or it will bottle up and explode. They are doers more than watchers, and the creative arts often allow them to express themselves. Their energetic minds can penetrate well into psychism, occultism, and mysticism.
Scorpios real lesson is self-mastery of the will.

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