
Monday, July 21, 2014

Sun in Sagittarius ( Ravi dhanu rashiye )

 sun in Sagittarius
Sagittarius is symbolized by the mythical Centaur, half horse and half human, and by the Archer. This last sign of autumn is a season of Joy and good cheer celebrated by Thanksgiving and preparation for Christmas.

As the mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is warm, full of life, adaptable and changing. Sagittarians are adventurous and versatile, exploring many areas of human endeavor.
Jupiter expands their activity and fills them with enthusiasm and joviality. Jove, or Zeus to the Greeks, was the king of the gods and was respected for his honesty, tolerance, lawmaking, and wisdom I spite of his escapades in mortal love.

The self-expression of Sagittarius is I SEE. It is the first of the universal signs and is blessed with clear vision, foresight, and perspective. The Archer sees the goal, sets aim, and aspires toward it. Upon reaching one's destination, the next goal is already seen, and so one continually strives farther and higher.

The restless nature of Sagittarius moves constantly and often finds release in outdoor activities where one's love of nature and liberty expand consciousness, or one may enjoy sports and recreation where one's sense of fair play and ambition for victory and triumph fulfill themselves.

Sagittarius' disposition is bright, hopeful, and cheerful, but also direct, frank, and outspoken. His (or her) verbal darts often hit the mark, but he is so enthusiastic that people are apt to take it in stride, since he does not aim to hurt but to make a point.

On the negative side, Sagittarius must watch the tendency to be self-righteous or to use the intellect as a weapon to put others down. When listening to one's inherent honesty and generosity, one can be very tolerant of other points of view.

Sagittarians usually have the detachment to see what is going on in a situation, and their potential for understanding larger abstractions, universals and laws or principles, helps them to be excellent teachers as they can pass on the significant points. Their intellectual exuberance can lift others and inspire them to go higher also.

Sagittarians spread their ideas and may find success in publishing. They are world travelers and are always on a journey whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual. Foreign affairs and politics may intrigue them, and they are usually guided by their principles.

They are enterprising and may have several ventures going on at once, but their success mechanism is well developed, because they see their goal so clearly that it is soon realized in their mind. They must learn to complete actions and not spread themselves too thin.
Sagittarius relates to the thighs which continually stride out for victory. The Centaur is athletic, and though the human may reach up toward heaven, the horse has his earthly passions.
In love the Sagittarius is adventurous, likes a free reign, and is occasionally satyr-like. The Sagittarian woman is warm, vivacious, but free and usually hard to pin down, as she may be like chaste Artemis, the goddess of the hunt who protects the fair sex.

Sagittarius has a visionary imagination and fantastic dreams, as they aspire for truth and the meaning of life. Their great intellect explores philosophy and religious teachings for the wisdom they seek. Their passion often becomes the finding of these truths.

Their devotion to these ideals and the directness of their aim for higher consciousness inspires them and leads them on the path to illumination and spiritual wisdom, where they discover that all is an eternal progression and that their questing and striving has been successful. Then they see further goals are ahead of them until they reach the ultimate, God consciousness.

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